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Title: Hyperiums, Massively Multiplayer Browser Strategy Game (MMORPG/MMORTS)

Description: Free browser-based multiplayer real-time strategy and diplomacy game (mmorpg/mmorts), persistent universe, featuring space battles, planet conquest, trading, spying, alliances....

Keywords: mmorpg, free mmorpg, mmorts, mmorpg games, strategy games, wargame, planet conquest, free online strategy games, free strategy games, wargame, massively multiplayer online games, mmog, planets, online multiplayer game, space, trading, webgame, browser-bas

Average rating from YouMmog visitors: 90
Rated 100 by guest on 2010-05-13: It is the players in this game combined with a simple concept which makes it so good. Genuinely thousands of planets to be taken and wars to be fought with many players.

Rated 100 by Pos on 2010-04-13: Been playing this game on and off for years, its epic

Rated 100 by DevilPilot on 2010-04-08: You may find yourself in a new strange and unknown place but you're never far away from a helping hand. This game brings thrill and excitement but also frustration and annoyance. The skill is to balance both of these and use them to your advantage to join or make an empire.

Rated 100 by Traygon on 2010-04-04: This is one of the best space sim games on the net and is an incredibly simple mmo. The best thing is you can re-visit the site every hour or so instead of spending hours on the game at a time, so it doesn't have an impact on your life.

Rated 100 by Drapestar on 2010-04-04: i have been playing for about 2 and a half years and i have found it is the only online game that has kept me interested. made great friends and always having fun in war when one is on.

its easy to learn to play but it takes time to really play this game well and kick ass.

Rated 99 by Marsupilami on 2010-03-08: I tried to quit twice, it did not work.
The game is great, the community is wonderful.

Rated 100 by suns on 2010-03-08: Fun to play. Very addicting and simple to use, yet complex to learn at the same time. I've been playing for nearly 7 years and it has been a joy.

Rated 100 by Redd on 2010-03-05: This game is the best i have ever played. Very simple and fun.

Rated 100 by Minion on 2010-02-26: This game is addicting and you get to meet great people! If your looking for a new game this is a great pick!

Rated 100 by Unknown on 2010-02-21: Used to play this game in the beginning. It was great :)

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